Sunday, February 4, 2007



Welcome to my "the soul of WWW" weblog!

This is the first blog-half of my "mining the web" that examines and investigates the online developments created
by social forces and cultural tendencies surrounding the global sphere - tendencies that will be described here.

As my initial passion has always been to understand what makes people tick, and what limits or encourages that ticking within culture and society I intend to look online for manifestations of the substantial needs for human interaction, learning and developing, love, social status, money and personal growth.

The other side of this search will be to examine the practical ways in which these manifestations take form online - see me "mining the web" blog.

The web is a great place to be, and I truly hope that combining these two visions of it: the soul and the practice, I will be able to fully comprehend this powerful and restless being that is all of us.

I'll be happy to receive your thoughts and comments, as well as recommendations and refferals to IT tendencies theory, social criticism sources, critical theory and online places you think I should see.

Thank you for being here with me and - enjoy your reading!!


1 comment:

Yaniv Ben-Yosef said...

Hi Dear,

Looking forward to read more!

Good luck,